Our Mission
As the leading cause of preventable diseases including type two diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, obesity affects everyone from the very young to the very old. The MDPRC provides a platform for funding innovative research and the infrastructure to bring together top-level scientists from around the world to uncover the pathways that lead from diet to disease.
Our mission is to:
Support research
Promote collaboration among a global network of leading scientists
Educate the public about noteworthy findings
To read our full mission statement, click here.
Who We Are
The MDPRC includes a worldwide network of scientists devoted to understanding the links between diet, obesity and diabetes, as well as a scientific advisory board and a social action committee.
Recent highlights:
Listen to Drs. Dana Small and Suzanne Higgs present at The Royal Society’s meeting “Causes of Obesity.”
Listen to select lectures from the MDPRC’s flagship course, “The Gut-brain Axis and Behavior.” This course, the result of collaboration between MDPRC members across disciplines and around the globe, summarizes the varied integration between behavior and metabolism.
Perszyk et al. (2021). Fat and Carbohydrate Interact to Potentiate Food Reward in Healthy Weight but Not in Overweight or Obesity.
Zhang et al. (2022). An inter-organ neural circuit for appetite suppression.
Save the date for the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behaviors 2024
Dates: July 9-13, 2024
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Click here for more details.